49. DTF (down to film)

For 24 hour film festival, which is a festival where groups have to write, film, and edit a film within 24 hours, me and my group made a film called "Of murder Tree Wrote". The requirements of the film were:

  • It had to have an elevator in it
  • It had to include a National Texas Tree
  • It had to include the line "what's your name again?"
Once we were told the assignment, we had exactly 24 hours to complete the film. We started by brainstorming at Buzzbrews. We had all recently watched the movie "Grizzly Man" in environmental science class, which was a documentary about Timothy Treadwell, who loved bears so much (in a weird way) and lived with them for many years. This movie became a large joke in our class, and at Buzzbrews someone exclaimed, "what about Grizzly Man, but with trees?" and the energy of all of us lit up with excitement of this idea. We went back to my friend's house to write the script, and everyone broke down the script and each wrote one monologue. After the script was finished, we all decided it would be good to all go to sleep and start filming at daylight. The next day, we spent a long time filming in different locations around White Rock Lake, then at night we edited for a while. At night, everyone rushed to the theatre where we got the instructions and turned in the movie.


 This is the video. Our group name is DTF, which is a play on the acronym DTF which means down to fuck, but we made it mean "down to film".

always with love, Bella Montague
