30. caption this

My weirdest, most out of context instagram photo captions:

  • "I feel like young Bella could beat current Bella in a fight"
  • "(in the voice of the mom from Everybody Hates Chris) - i don't need this i've got two jobs"
  • "chicken permission"
  • "beat rat"
  • "albeit"
  • "never forgetti"
  • "scoop the boop into the cup with scoobert doobert doo"
  • "to quote Mike Wazowski, that guy!"
  • "all 87 of Chris Pratt's brothers work here"
  • "what are your last two google searches? mine are "Mr Sir from holes" and "bite bite sip sip song lyrics"
  • "good things? in MY me?"
  • "you will never ever get a chicken in your whole entire life"
  • "dad?"
  • "today i was a good StupidStar"
  • "banging (?) BUMPIN neutral milk hotel"
  • "so are frockets on the left side of shirts so that if you have something thick in it you won't die if you're shot"
  • "baklava"
  • "'Would you rather scream whenever you pee, or every time you shower, your belly button gets spicy' - @malibu.darby"
  • "this hot chocolate scolded my milk!!"
  • "The Great British Baking Show is so cute and colorful compared to the american cooking shows that are all like hell fire and lots of yelling and stress"
  • "do you guys like cilantro?"
  • "okay I am now 100% sure the school's basement is haunted"
  • "'dead squirrels are the best kind of squirrels' -Mr Healey"
  • "I get stronger as a person every production meeting I go to"
  • "yo listen up got a holla from Ron"
  • "I think this was in one of the Carolinas"
  • "The guy with a megaphone sitting outside of the Supreme Court building just said 'I didn't say 'deez nuts', I said jesus!' truly inspirational words"
  • "SKAtt Rudes, SKAtt Tatum, SKAren Cogdill, or SKArlos Castillo"
  • "calm spaghetti"
  • "I ❤️ mudslide crush"
  • "when he's cute but he's hydra"
  • "hey does anybody have a hoe I can borrow (the garden kind)"
  • "ok but chicken nuggets are so good"
  • "Here comes the bride, all dressed in white. here comes the 'broom', he's in the dressing room. why is he there, he lost his 'underwere'"
  • "#currentlituation"
  • "made in georgia"
  • "'don't go chasing...' 'miracles!!'"
  • "come they told me Barack Obama, 
    a newborn King to see Barack Obama,
    our finest gifts we bring Barack Obama, Rack Obama, Rack Obama"
  • "all I want for Christmas... is foooooooood (food baby)"
  • "he's making a list, of chicken and rice, gunna find out who's naughty or nice"
  • "a weasel is wild"
  • "I almost died trying to do the stanky leg on roller skates today"
  • "Clues For Mister Charlie:
    old bill is actually lil' pisser
    Lyle and Parnell get together 
    so do Jo and Willa Mae"
  • "IT'S MIDDLE SCHOOL DAY!!!@!$&!!!"
  • "is there a sexuality where I'm only attracted to food"
  • "don't be feeding me those lies I know you have chicken nuggets back there"
  • "no ma'am"
  • "as ready as I'll ever be 
    I guess"
  • "I didn't even need physics to know a vector is a mathematical term, represented by an arrow with both direction and magnitude"
  • "turn down the what"
  • "isik"
  • "apparently when I find cash in random jean pockets, beverly hills by weezer automatically plays in my head while I dance"
  • "coast to coaster"
  • "who the frick frack diddily dack paddy whack lumberjack Big Mac tic tac piggy back flapjack race track six pack yippy yack is Bucky"
  • "please be my friend"
  • "the hills are alive with radiation"
  • "important update: dogs are great"
  • "I wanna try hammer ballet"
  • "not mice, but ducks"
  • "Mandy is pleased."
  • "I'm ready for a dance battle ASAP"
  • "erasers feel really nice"
  • "I think it's time for me to tell all of you guys my secret. it has been hard for me to get around to telling y'all because all I want to do is be accepted and treated like anyone else. for many years I have been on this planet acting and behaving the way all you humans do. but it was revealed during class today that in fact I was not born here on earth. i am an alien, and I am proud. #alienrights"
  • "i pray to the Princeton Review every night"
  • "toothpaste"
  • "I dunno if I can keep this up"
  • "wherever you go, there you are."
  • "the highway man came riding (riding, riding)"
  • "so apparently my captions never make sense"
  • "everybody ate chris"
  • "galveston 1999" -(from a picture taken in 2010)
  • "agatha is such a mess"
  • "I hope we're still friends after I taser you"
  • "oh, our hands touched"
  • "My mom stopped at a stop sign waiting for it to turn green. 
    We need some sleep."
  • "If Santa didn't visit you because you were naughty, don't worry, there's always Sump'n Claus"
  • "*cough cough*"
  • "Grandma's definitely not making chowder"
  • "My hobbies include making a load of people sniff a box of sweet dreams"
  • "I can taste a lot of blood rn is that bad"
  • "leggo my eggo"
  • "I really need a pair of cruggs"
  • "don't tap dance with spiders"
  • "marijuana? mari(dont)juana #upwithhopedownwithdope"
  • "what did we do? burn a few heretics? sell some indulgences?"
  • "I know you are a dog... but that won't matter with a little bit of barbecue sauce"
  • "you fight good"?? c'mon Shang, learn your grammar."
  • "112 ounces of chocolate puddin and crazy cheese please"
  • "don't date demons and also DON'T TRUST MIRRORS"
  • "Julia sits on a throne of Legos"
  • "ouch"
  • "last time I saw him he was by a blueberry bush screaming"
  • "buttshaft is a thing"
  • "excuuuuuuuuuuuuse me"
  • "everywhere I go, I see the same..."
  • "🎶I throw my hands up in the air sometimes🎶
    yes but how exactly do you throw your hands up?"
  • "do you work for the government? because girl you shut it down ;) " (when the gov shut down)
  • "💪➡🍗 "
  • "i think someone has PR problems"
  • "Someone said that you sounded like an owl. "

None of the captions had anything to do with the photos. My followers are often confused.

always with love, Bella Montague


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