Yesterday was my birthday! It was on a Saturday, so I requested off of work so I wouldn't be behind at a desk at Meadows for 6 hours. Me and my roommate, Liz, woke up happy because usually the girls in the room next to ours always wake us up on Saturdays with their loud screaming and music, and they were gone on fall break. We had breakfast at Arnold's because my breakfast date with my date was cancelled because his shed got broken in to (again). Then Liz and I chilled in the always-occupied movie room on the bean bag chairs then I got picked up by my mom to go home. My sister, Kat, and mom were at home, and also my sister's boyfriend, Theo, was here from Missouri. They sang happy birthday to me with a candle on a week old brownie, and then gave me presents, which included a light up mirror, a Mac adapter, and a new pair of adidas. My best friend's dad sent me $47.50 on venmo, a number his wife randomly chose. I got several birthday texts and instagram posts, and a few facebook posts. Then me, Theo, Kat, and my friend Maya all went to the State Fair of Texas, because that's one of my favorite places, and because Kat and Theo were planning to have a date night there anyway. We mostly walked around, and we had a bacon wrapped turkey leg, some fried shrimp and a Belgium waffle. At one point, me and Maya pretended to be buying a mattress so that they would let us try them out. It was very relaxing, especially since I worked out for the first time at SMU two nights ago and I was more sore than I've ever been in my life. It was difficult just to walk around. I plan on going to the fair many more times.

Happy birthday to me!

always with love, Bella Montague
