40. Eulogy

Our new creative assignment has us writing our own Eulogies, which reminds me of one time I did something kind of like that. In my 8th grade English class, we got an assignment to write a eulogy to someone and present it to the class. I think this assignment was to help us be very personal in our writing and to help us speaking in front of an audience when we are emotional. Some people did someone they loved that might have died and it was very hard to watch. My friend Nora and I, on the other hand, decided to do eulogies on each other. We basically made a PowerPoint consisting of a bunch of photos of us and just wrote eulogies as if she died, but then it turns out she actually wasn't dead, and then I died. She wanted the song "Good Riddance" by Green Day to be playing, and while it's a good song, I thought the title of it might be a little inappropriate for a funeral. I think it speaks to my friend group at the time that while everyone did serious eulogies, my friend and I did each other and my other best friend wrote a eulogy on her non-existent pet cockroach.

The slide show is a bit humorous.

always with love, Bella Montague
